how can I properly evaluate my movable capital?

how can I properly evaluate my movable capital?

Question to an expert

The insurer asks me to declare the value of my goods, how can I estimate it?

Movable capital is the value of all the goods attached to the insured home: furniture, household appliances, electronic devices, clothing, etc. It constitutes a key element in calculating the price of home insurance (the ” prime “).

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But it also determines the maximum amount that can be paid for a total loss. “The compensation owed by the insurer to the insured cannot exceed the amount of the value of the thing insured at the time of the loss”provides for the insurance code (article L. 121-1).

To evaluate this capital, you must take an inventory of all your assets, and keep invoices, proof of purchase or photos.

Obsolescence coefficient

Once the total amount has increased, it will be necessary to subtract a coefficient of obsolescence. When calculating compensation, insurers can in fact apply a depreciation of around 30% for computer devices, 20% for hi-fi and 10% for furniture and everyday objects. Some insurance contracts offer re-equipment to new, offering a higher premium. Please note, this guarantee may be limited in time.

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Items that may have value over time, such as jewelry and works of art, must be declared and guaranteed separately. Calling on an auctioneer will allow you to estimate them as accurately as possible.

It is advisable to reassess your movable capital every two to three years.

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