Sign up for Well’s 6-Day Energy Challenge

Would you like to have more energy as you go about your day? We bet the answer is yes. Whether you’re younger or older, working or retired, raising a family or living alone, most of us could use more stamina in our lives.

There are many reasons why we may feel sluggish or uninspired. Some factors, such as medical conditions, are beyond our control. “But most of the time, there are very small, simple, achievable lifestyle habits that can raise our energy levels,” said Dr. Sue Varma, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of California’s Grossman School of Medicine. New York and author of the next book. “Practical optimism.”

That’s why we’ve created a six-day challenge to prepare you for a more energetic year.

Starting January 1, 2024, Well Desk will share a week of inspiration and evidence-based tips so you can feel more awake during the day. Some challenges are fun, others will help you feel more creative or introspective, but all provide an easy way to feel more, well, alive.

Well columnist Jancee Dunn will be your guide, along with nutritionists, therapists, doctors and exercise scientists.

By the end of the week, you’ll be more aware of what lights you up and how to harness those feelings for good health. You’ll also have the tools and motivation to stay recharged all year long.

First, make sure you’re subscribed to the Well newsletter. If you already are, you don’t need to do anything: an email will arrive in your inbox every morning from January 1 to 6.

If you have not received the newsletter before, you can use the module below to subscribe.

You will receive instructions, exercises and ideas to help you strengthen and maintain your energy levels, exploring areas such as movement, nutrition, relationships and even rest.

Once the challenge is complete, you’ll receive our Well newsletter, including guidance on living a healthier life, delivered every Thursday.

If you already receive the Well newsletter, you will automatically receive the challenge and won’t see a way to sign up below. Can Find out here which newsletters you are subscribed to.