Founded in 2021, the young online media group DC Company – owner in particular of the satirical site Le Gorafi – is preparing to change its appearance by making its biggest acquisition. Its CEO, Geoffrey La Rocca, announced on Tuesday February 6 the purchase of the entire capital of Konbini, an online media specializing in video which claims to reach “100% of 18-35 year olds each month” with its contents is interested in pop culture. The amount of the transaction was not disclosed.
Entering into exclusive negotiations during the summer of 2023, the entrepreneur thus takes over the 80% of the capital held by the Perrodo family, which made its fortune in the oil industry, and has invested nearly 50 million euros in Konbini since 2018. Mr. La Rocca also bought the 20% of co-founders Lucie Beudet and David Creuzot. The latter, who become minority shareholders of DC Company, assure that they will remain “ guarantors of the editorial line ». “We want to continue to uphold the values of inclusiveness and diversity that the young generation wants today”abounds Lucie Beudet.
This acquisition, presented as a “strategic step” by Mr. La Rocca, aims to create “a leading digital media group”. “It’s the alliance of technology and creativity”, wants to believe the entrepreneur today at the head of a group which includes the online media Les Eclaireuses, the Propuls’her incubator or even a circle of entrepreneurs and managers called DC Club. The media group estimates that it reaches around 10 million Internet users. Far from the 30 million monthly users claimed by Konbini.
Decline in the advertising market
Born in 2008, the free online media was able to ride the explosion of the social network Facebook to develop its popularity among 15-35 year olds and today has 172 employees including 40 journalists. To total 3.5 billion views per year, it relies on different original video formats (“Quick and curious”, ” Video club “) or podcast (“Little chat”), that it adapts with a strategy of “multidistribution” to reach the largest possible audience.
Its economic model is largely based on “branded content” (content paid for by brands), classic advertising and communication with the creative agency Kewl. A diversification which intends to continue DC Company.
After several years of financial losses, Konbini had chosen to refocus on France in 2022, by closing its branches in the United States, Mexico or Switzerland. Shaken by the decline in the advertising market in 2023, the company’s managers believe that their adoption at DC Company will allow them to bounce back in 2024. “We want to get back into a dynamic of development”, assures David Creuzot. If DC Company does not detail its financial results, the group says it is profitable and in a tight position “around thirty million euros” of turnover in 2024.
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